Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Shall we?

This is the first time, I fell for someone like you.
My friends don't understand this jump that I've made from the cliff,
but that doesn't matter. You are nothing like I had imagined but still
you have every quality that strikes the lines off my list.
At times I wonder, if this was meant to be or are we just another fling.

You're a flirt, they say.
Someone who had a past with a lot of 'ladies'.
Someone who made 'em cry and I hear that a lot.
From people who hate you and from people who think you're handsome as well.
I do not yet have the courage to ask you this ever though we have shared moments. Moments which carry meaning deeper than you'd expect.
I wonder if you feel the same.

But you should know that this is the first time I've fallen for someone like you.
Someone who everyone talks bad about.
Why do they not see, what I saw in you when you made me laugh?
When I defend you, they say that's your charm.
They say that's how you did it before.
They wouldn't know, would they?
They are only jealous. I know they are. It can't be... can it?

These people keep talking negative about you,
Should I listen to them?
They do not know that after every joke you crack on me
you hold my hand in secret just to ask “That didn’t feel bad, did it”
“No, it didn’t. But don’t do it again” I say.
“Sure” you blab and do the same thing over and over again
They do not know how homely that feels.

Is it okay to be so positive about someone?
Maybe this is what crushes are like
They make you feel as though they can do no wrong
Without a flaw… Oh no no no, wait, there’s something
I really do hate it when you boss me around
I know you’re older than me but do you even realize
you sound like an aunty at times, who nags her niece and nephews
when they try to have fun??

All right, I know you don’t drink and don’t smoke as much as others do
But you know that thing that you keep chewing all the time
You do understand that it affects you the same way the other things do right?
Just quit it already!
See, not really un-flawed, but yet... yet…

Thinking about it again, there is not everything about you that I like.
Some things make me question myself… why did I fall for this man?
Why did we get this close? Why did we share those moments?
Recalling how all of this started, I cannot seem to find the exact point
It was all so natural. There was no sudden click and bamm!
‘We found love’ or ‘Love at first sight’ types. The flow just went on naturally.
We came close and closer, in a short span of time,
But a meaningful span of life

The others may say what they say
I would like to believe that either they hate you because
they cannot be like you or cannot be with you
Coz if they could be you, they’d know how beautiful you are from the inside
And if they could be with you, they’d know how lovable you could have made them feel

Of course, only God knows what will happen to us
The odds of us getting together are lesser than Jack sparrow getting another movie for the series and even lesser than ‘log kya kahenge?’ dying out of India.
Nevertheless, I would like to keep this feeling in my heart for this tick of the clock and for the next one. I might fall in harder and get this tiny lil’ heart broken.
But who cares, let’s just cry together when the time comes. Shall we?



  1. I would like to talk about this soon with u

  2. I guess it is already dealt with? Sorry, saw this now, so had to "acknowledge" :P
