Thursday, 29 December 2016

Imagination #22 ~And thus~

She vowed not to look at guys again. Taking the decision, she glazed at the sky and went on thinking that she was starting her life as new. "No crushes, no falling in love and breaking hearts" she said to herself as she boarded the train. She was traveling to Bangalore- the city of her dreams. She had always wanted to stay there and now she finally landed with a job of her choice in the city.
The train wasn't empty, neither was it full. She sat on the seat close to the window to capture every aspect of her journey. The train gave out a huge blow and started off. She closed her eyes as she felt the breeze on her face. Soothing, peaceful, calm...
The train halted at the next station. She watched out for people who went by her. Her nature was that of an observant. She loved making assumptions about people she didn't know; not in a bad way of course. She looked straight and she could see a white shirt with a pair of jeans standing as though it were some mannequin. The figure came straight at her smiling. "Perfect! Semesters without preparations." She thought as though taunting her own self. The handsome devil sat right next to her. She didn't want to look at him as she knew he was the type who could make her fall. She occupied herself with the breeze again. A tap on her shoulder, "The journey is going to be so long that it would be difficult to just stare out the whole time." She was startled as she turned to the opposite direction and found him smiling at her. "Uh, Yeah." She said hesitantly. "So, where you going to?" He asked cheerfully. "Bangalore." She said, hoping he wasn't going to the same place as well. "What a coincidence! Me too." "This was all I needed! I'm never taking a vow again." She murmured as she smiled sheepishly.
And thus, a new story began…
