Thursday, 29 December 2016

Imagination #22 ~And thus~

She vowed not to look at guys again. Taking the decision, she glazed at the sky and went on thinking that she was starting her life as new. "No crushes, no falling in love and breaking hearts" she said to herself as she boarded the train. She was traveling to Bangalore- the city of her dreams. She had always wanted to stay there and now she finally landed with a job of her choice in the city.
The train wasn't empty, neither was it full. She sat on the seat close to the window to capture every aspect of her journey. The train gave out a huge blow and started off. She closed her eyes as she felt the breeze on her face. Soothing, peaceful, calm...
The train halted at the next station. She watched out for people who went by her. Her nature was that of an observant. She loved making assumptions about people she didn't know; not in a bad way of course. She looked straight and she could see a white shirt with a pair of jeans standing as though it were some mannequin. The figure came straight at her smiling. "Perfect! Semesters without preparations." She thought as though taunting her own self. The handsome devil sat right next to her. She didn't want to look at him as she knew he was the type who could make her fall. She occupied herself with the breeze again. A tap on her shoulder, "The journey is going to be so long that it would be difficult to just stare out the whole time." She was startled as she turned to the opposite direction and found him smiling at her. "Uh, Yeah." She said hesitantly. "So, where you going to?" He asked cheerfully. "Bangalore." She said, hoping he wasn't going to the same place as well. "What a coincidence! Me too." "This was all I needed! I'm never taking a vow again." She murmured as she smiled sheepishly.
And thus, a new story began…


Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Imagination #21 ~The conversation~

I had written this a long while ago but was debating whether to post or not. I made two of my friends read this and they had distant reviews. I got busy with college and it just went off my mind. Today, this post appeared and reading it made me feel as though why haven’t I posted it yet? It has got sweet little suspense, a beautiful end line (I love boasting about myself :P It is beautiful though) and a lot different than what I normally write. So, I set off to post this. For the title, I am sticking with the numbers, continuing from where I left. And it’s such an awesome coincidence, because the last number was 20 and so this one gets 21. The coincidence is, it’s my birthday today and guess the age? Yes, I turned 21 :P
It really is a small thing but these are the moments that we should note and remember for a long time. That is also one of the resolutions I am going to make for the year - taking pleasure in the small things and more of short term goals than long one. Second is having a new motto for the new changes ahead. I am upgrading from ‘Live and let live’ to ‘Getting caught is better than having regrets.’
Cheers to the new year ahead and do tell me your opinion about the post. Be it a single word ‘nice’ or a long appreciation or just a ‘worst post ever’. I was kidding about the last one, don’t surf on with bad remarks :P Make me happy (wink).



“Do you think he loves me enough to get married to him?” Sera asked her father who was watering the flower pots that they bought two days ago. Without turning his face towards her, he answered, “He is worthy, I think. His eyes seem happy when he’s around you.” She raised her right eyebrow, “‘eyes seem happy’ that is way too filmy, mike.” She made a face. Her father gave a short smile, still watering the plants. “How can you say that, anyway? You’ve met him only twice and besides, what do you know of romance.” She teased him. For the world, they shared a father-daughter relationship, but they’d always been friends. When she first started understanding the world surrounding her, he didn’t teach her to denote him as ‘Dad’ or ‘Papa’ or ‘father’; instead he presented himself as a person who would just be by her side in each aspect of her life and not overshadow her. She called him by his name and even though he raised her, he never made her feel any less than him. “I know a lot about romance than you can ever learn girl.” He said in a serious tone. “Oh, the love teacher unleashes himself in front of the world at last.” She said while opening up her arms as though introducing him like a host. She continued, “Just because you’ve had more relationships that I did, doesn’t mean your judgment regarding him is right.” “That’s called experience baby. I’ve loved your mother enough to pass on a certified judgment like that without doubt.” He said chuckling. “As if…” she trailed, looking at him, stunned, “Wait, what did you say?” “What?” he asked trying not to make an eye contact. “You loved my mother? You said you didn’t know who my mother is. How could you say you loved her, when you don’t know who she is?” “I said I wasn’t ‘sure’ who your mother is.” He said, lifting both his hands and curving up two fingers of each while saying ‘sure’. “Mike, can we stop with the confusing part? All these years I thought you genuinely had no idea who she was and now, all of a sudden you say, you weren’t ‘sure’ while you have a name?” She said making the same action as his. “Look, I’ve been in a lot of relationship. To that matter, quite intimate ones too…” She cut him off, “I’m not interested in knowing how big of a Casanova you were okay! I know you well. Just tell me, if you know who she is or no.” She didn’t know who her mother was, but she’s always wanted to know. It wasn’t because she had wanted to know the reason behind her, leaving her one week old daughter. She wanted to know if her mother had the same beauty spot as hers. She wanted to know which of her habits were like her. She wanted to know if she was as cool as mike. She wanted to know, what it felt like to sleep on your mother’s lap. Was it really like how most of her friends boasted about it on mother’s day? Or was it different? She looked at mike with eagerness and nervousness at once. She wanted to know who she was and she was afraid if she was anything less than what she’d imagined her to be. “Sera, listen to me.” Mike said, sitting beside her, holding her shoulder. “Here’s the fact. I have slept with a lot of women, before you were born. I do that even now and you know it. Maybe this is one of the reasons; I have never been in an actual relationship. Even though I’m a 41 year old man with a 19 year old daughter, I’m still an adolescent at heart and mind. Therefore, I’m not exactly sure who your mother is. The only reason I think of a woman now, is because, of all the women I’ve dated she could be the only one who would be crazy enough to do such a thing.” He said with a tone sadder than she’d ever heard him. Both were silent for some minutes. He was looking at her, waiting for a reply. She looked at him “Why now? You’ve never told this before regardless of hundreds of questions that I’d been asking for years.” She covered her face with her hands. “It’s because, I saw her today.” She looked up at once “You mean you saw my mother today? Oh my god, where is she?” She questioned holding her breathe.  “I said I saw a woman who once told me that if I put her in trouble, she’d put me in a bigger trouble.”
