Saturday, 25 April 2015

The Suicide Note

The weirdest people die the most mysterious deaths. Illogical; but true. These people are always seen happy loitering around. They do not tend to seem affected by the world. They have a world of their own, wherein they have characters created with imagination which are the only beings who understand them; their own surroundings wherein they create stories of their own. A different third space where they talk to the people with whom they cannot have real or direct chat. They express their feelings in the scarcest way which for some people is unacceptable. They blab out shit all the time but are considered to be the first persons with the best advices. For some people, their lives are the ideal one. There isn’t any sadness in their lives except that they get sad when their favorite actor gets hurt.
They are completely different from what they appear. Their personality is a complete reciprocal to the one at display. Those adorable smiles and breathtaking selfies aren’t real. Even in solitary they do all these things; that is where they lie back. They LIE to their own self. They think they are happy which is reality isn’t the truth. They are just normal beings who try to live abnormally. They just don’t kno0w what to do. They are nowhere in this world and all over this universe.
And I… I am one such person.

After have said all this, I repeat my words again- the weirdest people die the most mysterious deaths. May be mine will be one to research on. Hundreds of years and the reason would remain unknown. Family, friends, everyone would make up their mind with one or the other thing. The fact wouldn’t match up with any of the machines. There isn’t any device yet established for that purpose you see.
I’ll tell you the reason. My heart would expand with that fake happiness and burst out at once without any trace of me left. Every cell would mix up with the pollens from the flowers. The blood would flow into the river and change its color at once. Only the trees would know. They are the true mates.

P.S: No editing has been done. It’s in its purest form; the first draft presented.

Editing: StyZie

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