Friday, 5 December 2014

You Go Girl..!!

Back now with some inspirational thoughts of my own. Yes..! Today there is no romantic imagination but this is well, related to it. It's not easy for me to come out of that pink sky weather with all the white petals falling all over. Half of my time actually goes into thinking about how my story would be. And I don't regret that I waste so much of time thinking about silly things,. What's life without thinking about yourself? So girls, this one is for you all.. 

Some points indicating your world revolves around him.. :P

* If you find his flirting with you is fun and if you like it, then girl go on..!

* You wait for him to reply even though he takes more than an hour.

* You have an habit of checking his FB profile, Whatsapp status and even his blog ( if he has one) atleast once in two days.

* When he turns up, it's hard for you not to look at him.

* You secretly try to find out if he is talking to any other girls lately. Jealous ha..!

* Its kinda off-day if you don't find his text waiting up for you.

* He can make you smile instantly, no matter how sad you are.

* You always stand up for him. Even if you know that he is wrong somewhere, you try to defend him. 

* You try to find wit in all of his sentences. You even like the 'hmmmm' that he sends. :D ( that's idiotic but this is how it is :P)

Normally sites having all these kinda points have this written at the last:
" that one guy was always on your mind, when you were going through these points.."
But what if there were two guys hovering over.. :P just a case.
 So girls, forget all that is written above. Love is not something to be judged and calculated. It's a feeling. Something beyond explanation. 

God has already made up pairs and you are going to end up with him only. The path that makes you meet him, the way you fall for him and in short your love story is already written. No matter how hard you try, you won't know until God thinks its time. And as we all know, God always wins. 

For the girls who are heart-broken right now, I have something to say.
Everyone that you meet in your life has got some purpose. Some come to make you happy and some to teach you a lesson. 
May be you love him more than he did Or may be he was never what you thought him to be. Rewind all the things again, go through his texts; did he really mean all that he said? 
Girl, you definitely deserve something better. God knows you more than yourself and he knows just what is best for you. 
Trust me..! He is already waiting for you somewhere. That guy.! That guy you are destined to meet. 
And anyways, tears don’t suit those beautiful eyes. No guy can make you cry and have those dark circles ruin your face. 
Live your life, like how you want it to be, like how you dreamt it to be; with a bit of courage and a lot of hope. Pack your bag of sorrows, burn it up and throw it down the lane. Your room is too cool to have such stupid things around. And as our own PM has initiated the 'Swatch Bharath' movement, it's time we follow it too… Open up your cupboard, shuffle through it, throw out the old stuff and go hit the malls. Dress up, apply that more-than-required gloss, wear your sneakers and run out. You just wouldn't want to miss the beautiful sky up there. It looks awesome!

Lastly, don't stop dreaming. Have faith in your lord. He knows what's best for you and you are his favorite creation. He wouldn't want you to ruin that beautiful face, he carved out. Smile would fit in better there. And remember, life has just begun..!
Keep smiling. Be yourself


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