Read a blog today. The person has written about people falling in love and then thinking about that person the whole day and all that stuff.. He writes that these are all attractions and merely waste. If today you find that person appealing, next day you might end up thinking his friend is more smarter. So the cycle continues. Instead of having multiples partners, waiting for 'the one' is better..
I completely agree with the last part. Waiting is the best thing to be done. But that dosent mean you can't experiment with this phase. I think falling for someone, or getting attracted is completely fine. This is the time when you need to fall and then get up and stand straight.
Having your crush sit right infront of u and smile ,.. Checking his/her profile the whole day, stalking them all the time, trying to know that person, etcetera.. Don't think what would others think of you when they come to know. It's your life and it's completely normal falling for someone. And when you have so many options, choosing is so much better. Later on.. When you grow old and sit with your husband/wife in your gallery memorizing all the things; you get to laugh at yourself.. Telling your partner how mad you were at that time.. And who knows.. Your partner might be your crush itself.. :P
Fate.. That's what you have to trust in.. So never loose hope and never stop getting into complications. As they say, 'experience is the best teacher'..
Ahem ahem... In shaa allah... Let ur crush itslf bcme ur future partnr...:-P